Monday, July 11, 2011


This morning no one knew if R had camp today or not. She got dressed and ate breakfast and we all waited around the kitchen to see if her bus was coming. The boys fought breakfast tooth and nail and so while we waited, most of the attention was off of R.

She must have felt the abandonment because she moved to the center of the room to say,

"Where is the f***ing bus?"

I was busy trying to forcefeed the baby who, at that point, no one knew what was wrong with. I stifled a laugh and saw T doing the same. E looked ANGRY.

T is the potty mouth in this house, so there was no question where she had acquired her new sparkling vocabulary.

She repeated herself and we continued to ignore her. It ended there.

And thankfully, her bus showed up, because I honestly don't think I would have made it through this day had she been home.

I did nine loads of weekend laundry. Nine.

Baby I's hiney butt has turned bright pink again. It's raw and he wouldn't sit down for two hours this morning after breakfast.

J came home with twin ear infections and a green runny nose. But we still sent him to camp.

This afternoon T put the baby down for his nap and then she fell asleep and then I fell asleep.

T woke up in time to pick J up early and whisk him off to a doctor's appointment. I got the baby after his nap and while I was feeding him lunch he graced me with the revelation of some new tricks.

He sang his ABCs. Not clearly, but completely in tune with a nice tempo and most of the letter sounds were correct. A little while later he also told me no, very clearly and with a head shake to accompany it.

I finished my oodles of laundry late in the afternoon.

And then I took another nap while the baby poked me in the face with his drooly fingers.

T made dinner while R and I did Shrinky Dinks. Well, I did most of it. R just asked me to make two necklaces and two bracelets and then disappeared.

So I made Shrinky Dinks. And it was lovely.

R sat down and ate every bite of her dinner without argument, because she wanted to show me what she would be like when she's five. While I was impressed, at one point I was feeding the baby and she reminded me that her effing bus was coming in the morning.

I had to ignore her again, but inside I was hysterical. We can only hope she's not using this same tactic to get attention at camp.

After dinner there was a joint effort to bathe three kids without getting one's ears wet. With everybody pj'ed we went into the playroom and relaxed for a bit. E and R were playing the keyboard and the baby was dancing and T and I were just sitting around enjoying ourselves when suddenly someone thought to check the clock.

"It's nine?!"

Relaxation over.

There was a mad dash to the kids' rooms and we stuffed them all into bed faster than ever before.

When it was finally quiet E returned to the kitchen, where I was having a drink. He shook his head and looked genuinely worried as he said,

"Tomorrow is going to be a problem."


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