Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Conversation #1.

7:29 am.


"Whaaaaaaaat R?"

"Is breakfast ready?"

"Noooooooo. My alarm hasn't even gone off yet. I have one minute. Breakfast will be in 11 minutes."

"Ok. Will you put me on the bus?" As she climbed into bed with me.

I had to smile a little. That's normally Daddy's job.

Conversation #2.

8:15 am.

"J, eat your breakfast."

"I don't want to."

"You need to eat or you can't go to camp."

"I don't want to."

Enter E.

"J, listen to Kimmy. You have to eat your breakfast." Proceeds to put bite on fork and put into J's mouth.


Conversation #3.

10:30 am.

"Kim, can we go for a walk?"

"Yes, J, go get your shoes."

"Ok." Plays with ball. Does not get shoes. "Kim, when could we go for a walk?"

"As soon as you get your shoes."

"And then we'll go for a walk?"

"Yes. Go get your shoes."


"Ok, then we won't go for a walk."

"I want to go for a walk!"

"Then go get your shoes."

"And then we could go for a walk?"


"Ok." Continues playing with ball.

Kim's head explodes.

T got up this morning, brought the baby down, took the dog upstairs for a bath, sent him back down and then slept until noon.

J ate his lunch for me, without vomitting or much complaint. It's so nice when the parents just go away and let me discipline their children effectively.

Another example of this...

All three kids were in bed and asleep at 8:30. I had to physically return J to his bed once. Once. R didn't get out of her bed at all.

And I didn't even have to yell.

Which brings me to the last interesting happening of the day.

T's mom dropped in right around dinner time. While she's infinitely less annoying than E's mom, she still brings a number of suggestions with her. Today's focus was mainly baby I's hair hanging all over his eyes.

Now, I don't know what the meaning is behind it, but it's Persian or Jewish or both tradition to not cut the children's hair until they are three years old. As a result, I's hair is several inches long and always in his face. The other kids have incredibly curly hair, so they have been spared this annoyance. But poor baby.

We used to clip it back but with severe teething has come the desire to chew on everything. Namely, hair clips.

So T's mom told me repeatedly how bad this was.

She first asked why his hair was down. I told her. She then asked what different kinds of clips we had tried. I told her. She played with the kids. Then she suggested a clip that I have already tried.

She even suggested I use elastics and just let him eat them.

How is that better than brushing his hair off his face?!?!

Or, HERE'S an idea...CUT HIS HAIR!

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