Friday, June 24, 2011

Think positive.

R's third fourth birthday party was today.

Are you following this? She turned four three days after I got here. We've been celebrating ever since.

Today's party had been scheduled for last weekend, but a power outtage bumped it to this afternoon.

All morning I did the regular stuff and played with the kids. I was in the shower when the doorbell rang for a water delivery and no one else answered it. The water guy had to finish his route and come back. Ahhhh to be so spoiled...oh wait, now I am.

E and T both had to work so we just hung out and did puzzles. "Dr." R gave me a check up and when she made motions with her finger to give me a shot I screamed and she jumped and peed her pants a little and then laughed uncontrollably for a minute.

That was fun.

At two, we ran around the house like maniacs making sure everyone was ready. I had done up R's hair because it is so curly and perfect and she always wears it down. The only way I could convince her to let me put it up was by reminding her that Cinderella wore hers in an updo.

Pump It Up is a place with rooms full of blow up play equipment. Everyone gets inside and loses their shoes and starts jumping and climbing and sliding. There are obstacle courses and in one room was a bouncy climbing wall. The kids spent half their time trying to reach the top of the wall to pin a flag on a star and the other half of their time trying to stand.

It's highly amusing.

The best part about this place is that the kids are quarantined to their party in one room. After a while they are escorted to the next room. And finally they are given their shoes back and released into the dining room to gorge themselves on pizza. R, as the guest of honor, got to sit on a HUGE inflatable throne.

Mom E followed me around for the duration of the party telling me the baby was cold and his pants were too tight. But she also told me she liked me. I guess I am passing the test.

I missed the food because I was feeding the baby, which is sad, because cheap pizza is honestly one of my favorite things. The only thing better than frozen pizza is hospital pizza.

At home, the two older kids slept, T took the baby and I went to fold laundry.

After my nap with my unfolded laundry, T had Shabbat dinner ready.

E was grumpy at dinner and as a result, J ate everything on his plate and then peed on the potty. It was the best night ever. I wish E would be grumpy more often because the kids actually listen. R threw a tantrum at the start of dinner, E took her out of the room, yelled at her and when they returned she went right to her seat and began eating. That almost never happens.

After they all went upstairs to put the kids to bed, I took clean up upon myself. Washing dishes is when I do my best thinking.

And here's what I was thinking.

I need to start reminding myself of the things I like about this family throughout the course of the day. I like them. When people ask me how it's going and I sum things up in my head real quick, it's going really well. I love my job, the kids are growing on me and I can totally see myself here for the next two years, which is my game plan.

And today at the party, T genuinely wanted me to have a good time. It wasn't mandatory that I go, I wasn't technically working. It was her mother-in-law chasing me around telling me to take care of the baby, and honestly, I didn't even have him much. He had enough aunties and cousins there passing him around that I got a nice break.

And I did have a good time.

So, for all the play-by-play annoyances throughout the day and all the grief these children cause me, I do like it here. I like them. And I really like Willie Nelson.

He's finally peeing where I tell him to and he never talks back.

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