Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More insomnia, bad driving and a little princess.

I'm not really sure where today went.

I woke up several times in the night, not at all sure what time it was. When it was time to get up for real it felt like I had only been in bed for a few minutes. This is the worst way to wake up. Ever.

And I grew up with my mom singing and taking my covers.

So, there was this morning, when J had his first day of summer day camp. And breakfast and cleaning and hanging out with R...

We went through her wardrobe and she asked me what size each article of clothing was. If it wasn't a 4 like her, she didn't want it.

T put baby down for a nap. He didn't sleep.

He's ready for a later nap, I think. And he's having trouble staying asleep when we put him into the crib after holding him. This is not my first experience with families that rock their babies to sleep well past the typical American standard, and I like it. I like snuggling a baby to sleep. And I think it is good for the babies. But clearly this stage of unrest is the natural signal that baby is ready to move on.

Unfortunately, T isn't.

R and I baked cookies together and had lunch while T worked on tiring Baby I out.

More time passed and I have no idea how. All I know is that today felt sooooooo long and now suddenly it's over already.

J came from day camp and then I took the baby for a walk.

We got off to a good start by almost being run over by a Beamer with an MD license plate. In my panic at the sight of reverse lights gunning for me, I ran out of the way. In hindsight, I now know that I should have shoved the baby stroller out of the way and taken the hit. Long Island MD!!! The lawsuit would file itself.

Oh well.

I turned down a road that I was pretty sure we had gone down before. I knew it would lead down a steep hill and as I have been torturing myself by going down hills, knowing I would have to come up another one somewhere, I headed down.

At the bottom, I quickly learned that we had no been down that road before. It was a dead end. BUT the dead end was at the top of a hill. So we went all the way up it before we had no where else to go.

On the way home I got ambitious and we zig-zagged through the neighborhood. My energy was derived directly from my ability to text while out of the house.

When I did finally go home R was standing in the doorway crying.

As I had gone out the door, T had gone out to the yard to garden. An hour later, it seemed she was still outside and the two kids inside had no idea.

R had come down from her room where she and J had been playing to tattle on him for something and she couldn't find her mother. I told her T was outside and she ran to do her snitching.

I went to set the baby in the playroom and heard R's plastic dress up shoes clunking down the stairs.

J came to me in the kitchen and said, "I have high heels! I have flip flops!" And on his feet were silver and pink shoes.

"Wow. That's nice."

"They're just like yours!" He told me.

"Well, they're a little different." I was wearing brown flip flops.

"Yeah!" He smiled. "Mine are pink!" He twirled. "I'm a princess!"

I miss my little Sully.

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