Sunday, June 19, 2011

Change of plans.

I told T I would miss evening church to help with R's birthday party scheduled this afternoon. Every part of me felt guilty, since I was also not attending morning service. I couldn't bring myself to go back on my word, so I got up this morning and just felt guilty all day.

I also got up this morning and found out shortly after T found out that the place the party was to be held, called Pump It Up because it's a playground made of blow up equipment, had no power. They had called to cancel the party.

I thought I might make it to church after all.

T began calling any and all other places she could think of to hold a 4 year old's birthday party. So while she did that I fed the kids as normal and went about my morning.

The ants have reclaimed the kitchen. I had successfully driven them out of the dishwasher and off the counter nearest the toaster. Today they reappeared on the counter around the sink, in the sink, above the sink. But not the dishwasher. Thank goodness not the dishwasher.

I might go insane.

A block party was scheduled at the neighborhood pool. Since T was busy on the phone we decided to take the kids. Excitedly, they all got ready. But then T thought we'd all go and so we waited for her.

And waited.

Then it was time for Baby I's nap.

I put him down and we waited some more.

Finally, T had to reschedule the party for Friday and then it was just up to me to work up the nerve to ask if I could get out for evening service. I'm ashamed to admit I never did.

I offered to stay behind with the baby since I deperately wanted some alone time. I needed to give myself a pep talk.

I did, but it didn't take, and like I said, I never asked about church.

I walked the baby down to the pool at two to meet up with E and T and the kids. I helped watch the kids for a while and then retired to a poolside chair to work on my nonexistent tan.

Around four the kids had enough and I was starting to crisp so I walked Baby I back home while the family drove. On my walk I noticed that I am in the land of Mercedes, Lexas and strangely, Honda. For some reason Honda is acceptable here. I saw several Odysseys and even a few Civics.

We had exactly enough time to bathe the kids and change ourselves and then leave for T's mom's house for the Father's day dinner that had mysteriously replaced the birthday party.

On the way we drove down an out-of-the-way street to eye a new house. The entire street was lined with mansions. Big stone and brick mansions covered in arches and balconies and ivy. The new house was the mother of them all. The only other time I've ever seen so many big house in one place was driving through Nashville. Who is living in Great Neck?!

I need to meet some people.

T's sister showed up to dinner with her family but not her nanny, which made me sad. What's the point of having a snobby nanny if you don't take her to all the family functions? T and I took turns eating and watching the kids. T's sister tried to pawn her kids off on me a couple of times. I had to act busy until T stepped in and told her that wasn't my job.

I love her.

We stayed until the kids had eaten four different desserts and T's sister and her husband started fighting.

That man is wicked.

If ever someone had the potential to beat their wife, it's him. He said hello to me and then didn't talk to me again. He talked with E but anything he said to T or his wife was a directive or a complaint. At one point he asked his wife if she understood what he said, the way you would say it to a child.

I have never been happier when she retaliated with, "No, I don't!" He stormed out of the kitchen then. And T muttered from the kitchen sink, "Say something or I will."

The family intended to move on to visiting E's parents. T was gracious enough to suggest that I take the baby home.

I didn't hesitate to say yes.

And when we reached the driveway to load up the car, T's sister's husband, while looking at the ground, said to me VERY quietly, "thanks for helping out" and quickly skittered away.

Oh, so THAT'S who lives in Great Neck...

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