Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snobby Wednesday in the basement.

I cleaned my room!

Really cleaned it. Folded every piece of laundry. Actually folded, not just balled up and stuffed into drawers. I filled a bag for donation and organized all my hair accessories.

I even vacuumed.

I told T since I was staying home all morning that I could meet R's bus as long as T got home before I needed to leave.

I got so much accomplished and was so happy I even went upstairs and cleaned up the breakfast dishes that T normally cleans up right before dinner if I'm not here.

I spent so much time in the basement today that Willie Nelson started to cry. He only comes down here for very small amounts of time and it takes a lot of coaxing to get him down the stairs. I still don't know if he's sensing a dark presence (Voldemort, if you are in here, I can help you. I know of an excellent plastic surgeon right up the street.) or if it's just the bugs and cold that creep him out.

I turned on the new space heater that E brought home and I have yet to use to see if that would appease the weirdo dog. He came down long enough to sniff every corner of the basement and then ran back upstairs.


I left the heater on while R was playing but shut it off when I left. I don't run it at night when I am down here because I absolutely despise sleeping in artificial heat. I'm not too fond of sleeping in natural heat in the summer time either, but heater heat just makes me cringe. Something about hot air being blown in my direction just doesn't sit well with me. If I am desperate down here I have a wonderful electric blanket that was a gift from my sister when I lived in her basement. It's amazing.

And I haven't used it yet this year either. I'm still waiting on the unbearable cold that hits mid January with our blizzard. I am really looking forward to a blizzard.

I told R she could come hang out with me since I wasn't technically working. She was excited to think we were just friends for the day and not babysitter/babysittee. She asked about seven thousand questions before I pleaded with her to stop.

She did and I turned on some Disney music for me -- I mean, her, and she played and sang while I cleaned and sang.

I guess she got bored or something because then she spent forty minutes touching everything I told her not to touch. My head nearly exploded.

She helped me decide not to do my hair or put on make up. She's good like that. Her take on life is all or nothing.

Since she couldn't talk me into wearing a purple evening dress and heels to a Young Adult meeting at church she didn't see why I should waste valuable resources on my face or hair.

I quickly saw the wisdom in her young logic and returned to cleaning my room. I even had time to call my mom before it was time to go.

T got home 15 minutes before I needed to go, an unprecedented occurrence. I called a cab and went into town to run my errands and sit at the coffee shop for a bit. When I had nearly lulled myself to sleep in the warmth of a corner booth I knew it was time to brave the bitter outdoors again.

I walked to the bus station even though it was forty minutes early. As I neared my stop I saw a bus pulling in and decided to catch it. I sprinted up to the line and scoffed at how each person ahead of me seemed to be climbing in on top of the person ahead of them. It was like no one had any regard for personal space anymore. As the line shortened and I found myself standing between the bus and a tree I discovered why. The wind was being channeled right through that spot and my nose was nearly frostbitten in a matter of seconds. I jumped onto the last step of the bus and leaned as far forward as possible, hoping against all hope that the man in front of me didn't have gas.

It wasn't until I was seated on the bus for about ten minutes that I remembered K, the other nanny.

T's sister's nanny has been working for that family for over a year now, almost two. She is from South Carolina and has never lived this far from her family before. She is a few years older than me and also single. Her father passed away shortly after she moved here. She went home for the services but then came right back to work. I think she stays in pretty good communication with her family, but we all know that's not the same thing.

And I know I have it good, because I have already visited all my family members, some several times, and I have only been here for six months. She sees her family only on holidays.

On top of that, K does not possess my...uh, gift, of extroversion.

Whereas I moved here and was connected with a church and talked to everyone there and at the library and at the park and anywhere I could possibly speak to another being, K is very quiet and reserved. She focuses only on her kids and on her days off she stays home. She has taken the train into the city and walked around alone, but that is the closest she has come to getting to know her new state.

I have had a handful of meetings with her at various family gatherings and we exchanged phone numbers by my demand a few months ago but I have not been consistent in my efforts to draw her out of her shell.

Last week we talked and I told her I would call her about coming out on Wednesday night.

And then I went and forgot her.

I called her then, from the bus, to see if she could catch the next bus and meet me at the church, but she was too afraid of riding the bus to a strange place at night alone. I totally understand. I have been riding the bus here for six months and I still hate going to a new destination the first time. How could I expect her to just jump on one and hope for the best when she is a thousand times more careful than I?

I made plans with her on Sunday, when I am off again.

Then I cursed myself for being such a jerk as to forget her.

The meeting at church was a blast and the discussion was amazing. Since I got to the area early I took the liberty of wandering down the street a bit before going into the church.

I found THE best dollar store known to man. I spent $16 for a huge bag of stuff and the cashier even threw in some free gifts -- scented pencils. The nieces and nephews will enjoy them.

After the Young Adults meeting the Bestest Taryn drove me home and I promptly returned to my room to finish what I had started this morning. I incorporated my new purchases and wondered how I had ever lived without them.

Then I contemplated the temperature and wondered if maybe I should break out the electric blanket. That sounded a lot like work, so I am in bed, hoping for the best.

I'll let you know tomorrow if I develop hypothermia in the night.

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