Sunday, January 8, 2012

The greatest dollar store on Earth; it haunts me.

What a marvelous Sabbath!!

I made it to both services, with Nanny K. I had time to chat with Taryn. I had a wonderful lunch. I found mold in my dessert.

Ok, that last one wasn't so wonderful. But I didn't die and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to. Well, from that anyway. I know I will die at some point.

I'm not crazy.

I did go to the dollar store. You can just put a dollar store that close to somewhere I have to be and expect me to not go in there. Sigh.

I need help.

It might be time for meetings.

But I'm not sure. I have to watch the Shopaholic movie again to see if I've hit rock bottom yet.

I don't have a lot to say today other than that. Most of my day was conversations that are none of your business and wonderful worship accompanied with wonderful sermon messages.

And I just met up with T in the kitchen and heard that they had a pretty fantastic day here as well.

Sometimes I love my life so much it's hard to believe.

And I have a secret prayer pal at church who I also love so much because of this:

Somebody knows I like sparkles and snowflakes!

Now, early to bed so I can be healthy, wealthy and full of wisdom.

Or at the very least, so I can get up on time so poor E doesn't have to feed the kids alone again.

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