Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This is probably my fault...

I need to sleep.

It's been several days since I got a decent number of hours worth of sleep. Partly because of my phone, partly because I was traveling and partly because my next bout of insomnia is rolling in.

The combination has been disastrous and today I was almost positive I was going to crash right around 11 am. I got through the morning with the baby, some cleaning and then I fed him and put him to bed before I collapsed onto mine for a half hour.

T was upstairs working and I stayed down until she headed out for the day.

Since it was GORGEOUS outside I hung out in the front yard with Willie until it was time for R to get home, thinking about how I am going to reorganize my room just as soon as I get my energy back.

I found two rotten bananas in the kitchen and decided to make chocolate chip banana muffins...eventually. Tonight I took out the chocolate chips and ate half of them so now I am all ready to go ahead and bake those.

I spent all evening trying not to react to the kids because I knew I was tired and cranky but the boys were tired and cranky too and they kept fighting. I don't think J got enough sleep last night and everything that happened from the time he got home from school made him cry.

Monkey got plenty of sleep last night but he woke up from his nap an hour early because of a nightmare. I was playing outside with R and I went inside and heard him crying really hard on the monitor. When I went up to see why he was standing and waiting for me. I asked him why he was awake so early (sometimes he takes a giant pooh and needs a change and then he goes back to sleep) and he said, "Bad sleep!"

I held him and kissed him and asked if it was a bad dream. He said yes but when I asked for details he didn't know what to say. He was shaking from crying so hard and as I soon as I told him he didn't have to go back to sleep he perked up. Then he heard R's voice and said, "R is here!" and everything got much happier after that.

The kids were amazingly good for dinner, even J stopped crying to eat like a good boy. I waited until they were done with their stir fried chicken and rice to tell them they had to eat vegetables to get dessert. R gobbled up some stir fried carrots and J thought long and hard about it.

"Do I like zucchini?" He asked me.

I've taken to telling him he likes everything otherwise he claims to not like anything. And while he does hate the actual act of eating, there are several foods that he likes. Stir fry, MY stir fry, is one of them. I make excellent homemade stir fry sauces, if I do say so myself. I told him yes and he ate the required serving with no problem and they all had ice cream before we played some hard core hide and seek.

One of my favorite things to do is run away from them while most of the house is dark, hide and then scare the screams out of them. It's so funny.

I did it no less than ten times before Daddy got home and he helped scare them a little bit.

Bed time was uneventful and then I decided to be smart about tonight. I showered early, got all ready for bed and THEN watched my shows. And now, I am off to bed before 1 am and I am very excited about that.


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