Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Everywhere and all over the place.

This applies to several things today.

My mind, the kids, most of the toys in this house, dust bunnies.

Day two of the longest school vacation in the entire universe is complete.

Monster baby threw another huge tantrum at breakfast time. It's like he knows all the adults are feeling under the weather so he's testing us to see how long he can scream before we all cry.

T hung around until he was fed. None of the kids slept well last night so she felt guilty leaving me today, especially since our play date was on her way. She planned to work from home if I should so request.

But while she was out this morning, J quickly fell apart, escalating from mildly annoying to full blown naughty in under an hour. I checked his temperature, cleaned his drippy, nasty ears and put him to bed. He was more than happy to meet his pillow. In fact, I returned to the other two downstairs and he promptly got out of bed to close the door on our noise, dropped back into bed and fell asleep.

R's little friend arrived and Monkey followed her around with a big smile on his face for fifteen minutes until his bed time.

With both boys out of the way, the girls quickly took over the house. They screamed, the giggled. They annoyed the curse words out of me.

I downed a cup of coffee to lift my mood and sat R down for a talk about being naughty with a friend over. She didn't take my warning very well and ended up in time out. Her little friend, Crazy-Haired Imp as I've taken to calling her, got a stern talking-to as well.

J joined us in time for lunch and they all ate pretty well.

They started fighting then, and I had to send the girls to the basement play room and keep J with me in order to get them to stop telling on each other.

R had an accident, J's ears continued to drip and then somehow, things got away from me and the girls snuck upstairs, but not before a venture into my room to handle some of my craft supplies.

Fortunately for them, the Imp's mother showed up and took her home before I could destroy her. Things calmed down and I cleaned up the kitchen, which had been neglected all day. T texted to see if I needed her to come home but at that moment I didn't so I told her so and she said ok.

T's mom showed up a bit later and entertained the masses while I made dinner. She is such a blessing.

And dinner was dinner. We got through.

E and T got home around the same time and we all got really into a serious game of hide and seek. At the end of it we discovered the mess in the kids' room. They had played a game with Grandma that involved throwing bathing suits at each other. It was a cruel reminder that we can't go to the pool every day for another three months.

We muddled through bedtime routine and then I set up shop in the play room.

That's where I was when I overheard T's phone conversation with her sister. She knew I was there and we talk a lot anyway, so if she hadn't wanted me to hear anything or didn't plan to share it anyway, she would have gone elsewhere.

That being said, I am not rude enough to relate her conversations to you, but I can say that it was about her father, who has been sick.

He fell ill last week and I didn't hear much about why until a few days later.

He had cancer a few years back, I forget where, and it has returned. He's in his sixties I think and in seemingly good health until now. Nowadays, everyone has or knows someone who has cancer, so I'm not entirely surprised and it felt like everyone was being pretty cavalier about it until tonight in that conversation.

T's sister (who I am not entirely fond of) was FREAKING out about the return of their father's cancer. But they are waiting on test results, and at this point the best thing for everyone, especially with T's risky pregnancy, would be to keep a level head until those test results come back, right?

Well, her sister thought it best to assume the worst and plan his funeral. T started crying and yelling at her and then got off the phone and went into the living room.

I thought she handled it well. If any of my sisters handles any of our future family emergencies that way I fully intend to slap them, although I don't think they would considering I am the most dramatic and even I see the flaws in that sort of behavior.

But I am really sad for this family. Cancer is literally everywhere anymore and after losing two completely beloved people to it right before I moved here last year, I was looking forward to not having to think about it anymore.

Silly me.

Please pray for T and her excitable sister, her mother, who has said nothing to me about it (and I spend a lot of time with her) and for her father, who is such a patient and logical and happy man. I really would like to see Christ reach this family and sometimes cancer it was God uses to infiltrate.

Let's pray it happens!

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