Saturday, March 31, 2012

"All the scopes are down; I can't see a thing."

If you are not a Star Wars fanatic you don't already know that I am watching Episode V right now.

I am watching Star Wars Episode V right now.

My brain is completely fried and just to make sure everyone here knew that, earlier, I left the toaster oven on, left the stove on with zucchini in a pan and then walked in circles from the kitchen to the playroom trying to figure out what I was doing.

This day was super smooth running until Mom E showed up and WOULD NOT LEAVE for two hours this afternoon.

But that's not why I am so tired.

No, I am tired because last night was never-ending and then I didn't sleep well.

I am so, so tired.

I did every chore I could think of this morning so that I could crap out this afternoon and for all of tomorrow.

E had big plans to garden this morning but it was thirty degrees and raining so he crapped out earlier than all of us. T worked from home this morning and then when it was time to take the kids to see a movie they had promised them, she had a hard time getting E off the couch to go along.

They finally went and I fed the baby and then sat down.

In order to not fall asleep I had to get back up again and we had a dance party and I taught him some moves.

He's awful.

Mom E showed up and ruined everything so I left him to play with her and went to do something else. I ended up texting in the kitchen for an hour.

Han Solo is SO cool. I love him.

Anyway, today was a nothing-much kind of day but it was sprinkled with fun little moments like when E discovered I ate the rest of his bruschetta and threatened to take it out of my pay.

And when I dropped a bottle of spaghetti sauce on the tile floor and it shattered and sprayed glass and sauce EVERYWHERE and E threatened to take it out of my pay.

And when I was helping T pack up some things to be returned to Bed, Bath & Beyond and she was so glad I had saved all the boxes to these things and I told her I am just as fond of their return policy (ANYTHING GOES) as she is and that I totally get her. She laughed and said, "You do. You do get me. No one gets me." And E mocked us for being compatible in such a sneaky, cheap way. But isn't that how all women bond?

When they got home this evening the kids were crying about everything so we stuffed them full of chicken and fish and sent them to bed.

T came to me after they were gone to talk about a subject I have been dreading.


Nanny K has been telling me about how she has to clean every square inch of their home for this holiday. Mom E keeps hinting that I should start cleaning for it.

I don't clean every square inch of the house now, so I had no intention of doing it for that, but to be honest, I didn't want to do anything extra at all for it. We have a baby on the way and that is what our energy goes into preparing for.

Amazingly, T is on the same page.

She said to just do what I normally do and we will get a maid to come in this week to give the appearance that we are ready for Passover. We will hide away all the food that is not Kosher for that week and that way Mom E won't have a stroke.


She grumbled something about not being free in her own home and I couldn't help but to chuckle.

Traditions in any family are hard to keep up with. Disappointing our elders is something we all have to come to terms with in our own way. I can't even imagine being in T's shoes. But I think she tolerates a lot and she handles it well.

And I am so glad no one is coming in to turn this house upside down in search of stray food crumbs.

We don't have time for that.

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