Monday, March 12, 2012


Since you last heard from me I have aged considerably.

I just posted from last Tuesday (Sorry Flo -- I forgot to publish it!) and the day after I wrote that entry I turned 27.

That's right. I am admitting my true age. This once.

I had a wonderful day full of shopping and food that is definitely not on my diet plan. I spent the evening at church for a YOUNG adults meeting because I AM YOUNG and they surprised me with a cake.

On Thursday, my work family took me out for dinner and surprised me with another cake.

On Friday, I don't remember most of what happened that day but the family was going to E's sister's for Shabbat and it was a particularly late engagement so I got to stay home to put the baby to bed. It was glorious.

On Saturday things got interesting again.

T and I took the the kids to the Manhattan Children's Museum.

Dumbest museum ever, but the kids LOVED it.

Ok, there were a few really interesting and intelligent exhibits but the one the kids really loved, the one we spent the entire morning in, the one with the least amount of intelligence and educational material was the Diego/Dora floor.

Oh my word it was brutal. Thankfully, Dora's house had a pretty comfortable couch so T and I set up shop while the monsters tore around the "museum" playing with toy food and stuffed animals, both of which we have plenty of at home.

Although, they are dwindling in numbers.

I have begun spring cleaning and preparing for the baby.

Last year when I started here, one of the first things I did was clean every toy in this house. I intended to do it in January, on the six month marker, but I was still hibernating for the winter, so I am doing it now.

I have thrown out two bags full of stuffed animals and broken toys and the kids have yet to notice anything missing. My next mission is to thin out the MASSIVE pile of glitter-ridden art projects the schools send home every day. EVERY DAY.

By the time we left the museum we were pooped but we met some friends of T's for lunch at a fabulous pizza place and while the baby napped we all enjoyed our meals. The kids played with the other kids and the grown ups talked and I ate the best pizza ever, which was also not on my diet plan. But it was delicious.

Pear and Gorgonzola, for all you adventurous eaters out there. AMAZING.

J nodded off on the car ride home and slept for the entire night. The other two were pretty good and they ate and went to bed.

On Sunday we all woke up grumpy, having lost an hour of our lives. We spent a long time complaining about this daylight savings nonsense and contemplating moving to one of the two and half states that doesn't have it and then we got dressed and herded the kids off to birthday parties.

I had some down time to call my own in the afternoon and then T and I got into a conversation and she realized that it is March and her due date is April and oh my goodness we have a lot to do.

We talked through setting up playpens and changing stations and getting blankets and clothes ready. Lucky for her, I am the queen of organization and early preparation as long as I am being paid for it and I have two-thirds of this stuff ready to go.

Her panic died down and we kicked off this morning quite normally.

The weather was GORGEOUS so I did some quick cleaning and whisked the monster baby off to the park. We spent the morning out in the sun and he slept like a rock through nap time.

Grandma came over while he was sleeping to make dinner (love her! -- she also bought me two pairs of shoes for my birthday) and while she waited for rice to boil she spent her time harassing R about wearing a sweater in 66 degree weather.

She left and came back later when J was home and did the same to him. She sat in the playroom and told me how chilly it was. I had windows open all day and she started to rub her arms and cringe and then finally put her jacket on and warned me against trusting this weather.

Her theory is that this weather makes you think it's warm but it's really not.

Yeah, 66 degrees is tricky.

But I obliged and put sweatshirts on the kids and when she left we all stripped and ran to play in the basement where it was only 62 degrees.

I spent my evening feeding them and passing them off to T and hiding from them until she had them all in bed.

And then I sat down, really excited to get on actual Facebook, and not just my phone app for the first time in a while.

Of course it didn't work. I typed in my password, which should have been saved already, no less than twenty times and it simply refuses to log me in. I even changed it through my email and tried again.

My password works just fine on my phone, but on the computer nothing happens. I tried over and over again until I was thinking all kinds of bad thoughts about Facebook and its overseers and then finally I gave up and did some other (more productive) things online.

I'm working through the frustration and so far, so good. I'm also working through a bout of insomnia and the dread of Passover, which Nanny K has informed me is not much fun.

I've changed my residency to New York so I am ashamed to announce I am officially one of them and that the reason I have done this is to obtain my driver's license in this state and then become one of those New York drivers we all complain about.

My goal is to bring some Pennsylvanian driver's courtesy to this state while attempting not to bring harm to either Mercedes I have access to.

T's goal is to get me driving so that she can stay home and nurse the baby while the house falls into disarray because I am running the kids around instead of staying home.

This role change has her super excited and me super nervous.


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