Sunday, April 1, 2012

Recipes from Persian America

This morning was all catch up and T had a birthday party with the kids. I had the baby, and the dog, who isn't smelling too good again.

This afternoon, the baby slept, I sat down for a while and then I prepped dinner to make the night easier on myself.

Tonight, I had to work.

We had one of my favorite kosher recipes. I could kiss T for introducing me to it. It's basically the American Persian mom's fallback meal, like Spaghetti for you white people and McDonalds for those of you who don't cook.

It's so easy and there's probably a million ways to tweak it to change it up a little, much like spaghetti.

The kids have been eating pretty terribly for me lately so I went ahead and added curry to it tonight, not caring if they liked it or not because I was force feeding either way.

They actually seemed to like it.

One pound diced chicken breast, cooked in chopped onion, fresh garlic, and I added a sprinkle of Adobo because that is the proper way to do it.

This is where I added curry paste. I used a mild one but I bet it would be awesome with something stronger. Or red pepper. Mmmmm red pepper.

When the chicken is cooked through, add one can of organic coconut milk and bring it to a boil for about an hour.

Tonight I added broccoli, but we've also used green beans.

I also added a pureed zucchini but don't tell my kids. They eat a lot of vegetables they don't know about.

We have served this with white rice and with pasta, but tonight I forgot to make either so I did something amazing.

I cut a slice of Challah bread and put it in the bowl and then put the soup/stew over it. It was so good I ate two dinners an hour apart.

This was the highlight of my day, and so now I have to go workout until I puke it all back up, but my goodness it was worth it.

T makes it without the Adobo, the garlic or the veggie puree but honestly, I'm the better cook so do it my way. My waistline didn't happen by accident.

Never trust a skinny chef.

Right before dinner, both grandmothers showed up because they have a problem and for some reason I have to deal with it. Thankfully, when I sat the kids down for dinner, T's mom suggested that they go and so E's mom followed suit. They didn't actually leave, they just sat out in their cars and called every few minutes to see if the kids were finished eating yet.

Forty minutes later they were. The grandmothers came back in and gave the kids a million desserts before I shooed the kids upstairs for a bath.

I love starting bedtime routines way early. Everybody was washed, brushed and ready for bed way before bedtime. I cleaned up the kitchen, seriously thought about eating more dinner, put it in the fridge for tomorrow instead, and put them all to bed super early.

It wasn't even dark yet.



Seriously, try that recipe. It's so easy.

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