Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In regard to today, let's just give up.

These kids are going to be the death of all of us.

They wouldn't fall asleep last night even though we had them all in bed on time.

Today was a completely exhausting day and all the adults have been on the verge of tears since we got home from the bris.

It went well and I had a blast being behind the camera again. I ran around taking photos of before and during and after and people, agreeable people who loved having their picture taken. It just reminded me so much how difficult my family is about having their pictures taken. You guys are so lame.

It was better than a wedding because the service was only ten minutes long and there was a lot of whooping and praying and then snip, snip it was all over and I went to lunch.

I took back my three charges to feed them because they wouldn't eat for the various people caring for them while I worked. I sat for all of five minutes with Nanny K, who aside from being grossly under dressed for the function, looked completely frazzled and unhappy to be there. I'm worried about her and on the way home I learned that so is T.

After the munchkins ate, I took up my camera again and took some more group shots while eating every piece of chocolate I walked past. Some of this Passover food is scrumptious.

The kids ate their weight in crap and sugar and then I loaded them up into the car and made them wait there for fifteen minutes until E and T made it out of the house.

Oh, it was at E's sister's insanely gigantic house.

We got home and we all dropped.

I didn't move for three hours. I couldn't.

The kids were crawling all over me and the house and the TV was on too loud and T was coming and going from the room in her own state of restless exhaustion and E just left because he would rather run errands than help ignore the kids.

At some point we half-attempted to defrost chicken for dinner and then at some other point I cooked the chicken while T nursed the baby. The kids were awful at dinner and I checked out after a while, telling them point blank that their screaming, not eating and other wise unruly behavior just lost them several privileges for tonight and tomorrow.

They cried for all of thirty second before being brats again.

Lack of sleep destroys kids. And it makes me want to destroy them further.

Tonight, in our attempts to correct the problem, we put them all down early. Only Monkey went to sleep. The other two pushed their luck until Daddy made them cry and then they finally shut up and went to sleep about fifteen minutes ago.


I haven't even unpacked from the weekend but it doesn't look like I have time to now. I am about to crawl down the stairs and snuggle up inside fifteen blankets.

And I'm not setting my alarm tomorrow.

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