Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Now I know.

I've been watching Psych for two days straight and I am so tempted to just write up all my favorite parts right here, but I'd rather finish writing this and get back to watching Psych.

We're on day two of construction, which explains why I have so much TV time. Without my kitchen to clean and cook in all day, I have had to find other ways to fill my time. Although, normally even while I'm in the kitchen I am watching something on my little phone.

But today and yesterday I had to watch TV on my phone while hanging out with the baby in the rooms that weren't being affected by all the dust construction creates. We had some good times. He showed off a couple of new moves, like pulling himself up from any position into any other position. He tries to stand, which is hilarious, because he can't. But he has mastered sitting up and crawling, which is awesome because he doesn't get stuck in the corner of the play pen anymore.

While I was watching Psych today, I reorganized R and J's closet with the Space Saver bags I finally talked T into getting. She found a huge set at Costco after I bragged about how wonderful mine were for a while.

I packed two huge shelves worth of too small and too big clothes neatly into one beauteous row on about two-thirds of one shelf. I should be in their commercials. These things are AWESOME.

After that was done, the kids started coming home from school and the hectic part of the day started. I managed to watch TV throughout getting their snacks and feeding the wee one. The new dishwasher was delivered this morning, but the plumbing was bad and so all afternoon, in addition to the construction crew, we also hosted a plumbing team and appliance delivery men who couldn't deliver their appliances.

We had the pleasure of admiring the giant hole in the side of the house where the door will go in tomorrow.

And then this evening, I got to go downstairs and look at my room all covered in dust and tarps and sheets.

Yesterday, we hadn't thought that part through and I left my room unprotected. When the took down the mud room wall, directly over my room/bed, my belongings were draped in dust and rubble.

I made the discovery and spent a good fifteen minutes screaming in shock as I beat dust off my camera and computer and shoes and clothes. When everything had been saved, I covered it all in sheets and promised to stop leaving it all so helplessly unattended whenever destructive forces came into the house.

But day two of construction ended with fewer surprises, and the kids gladly ate their second takeout meal in a row and then we herded them off to bed.

Tomorrow, I will need to pull a few more items from the kitchen to get us through the day. And hopefully we will have pizza for dinner, because we've intended to twice and plans have changed both times and my hopes are up, way up.

Tonight, I will go watch Psych and hopefully stop sneezing sometime soon and eventually I will go downstairs and get some pajamas and find a couch up here to sleep on.

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