Saturday, September 15, 2012


This is from last weekend...


The first night after a heat spell is always so refreshing.

It smelled vaguely of fall outside this evening and I could not be happier. Tonight, my room is slightly chilly, exactly the way it should be. And this weekend I was paid the nicest compliment ever by my wonderful boss.

She called me the best nanny in the world.

Now, from my happy place and back to reality.

The series of horribly strange and persistent bug bites on my neck are gone and I no longer look like a plague patient. After some brief research and a consult with J’s doctor, we’re crediting West Nile virus. Weird, rashy, itchy, long-lasting…very mild West Nile. Tis the season.

We’ve been forced to get over our lazy selves and start using bug spray. The good stuff.

And meanwhile, my battle with bugs in the basement has been put to another rest. I’ve discovered the repelling powers of cedar. Apparently, everything hates it, most especially silverfish. Nasty, cursed silverfish.
After spraying two to death with ammonia the other night, I thought it was time to get proactive so I ordered something like 100 cedar wood balls and just threw them all around my room. That day, silverfish great and small showed themselves and suffered the consequences.


I don’t know if it’s because this is my least favorite time of year (the dog days of summer) or if it’s just my own hormonal cycles, but I have been disgustingly lazy for the last two weeks. It’s downright sad.
I’m pooped by two-ish and on the days I don’t get a nap I just drop right into bed around 9 and then everyone makes fun of me at breakfast.

And dragging myself out of bed in the morning for that has been quite a chore as well.

The other day I sat outside on the porch step watching TV shows on my phone while the kids played instead of playing soccer with J, like usual. I’m so lazy, I have used over half of my data plan and I’m only in the first week of my billing cycle.


Coffee is going to help me snap out of it. And hopefully, by the time it starts upsetting my acid-prone stomach, I’ll be able to wean off it (again) and function like a normal human being.

Or at least, like I used to.

I’ve been thinking a lot about things I need to get done in the next few weeks, to prepare for Florida. And then things I need to have done this fall, by next year, spring, what my plans might be next summer.

I realize while I’m doing it that it’s not healthy to sit down and let all these things weigh on me at the same time, but that doesn’t stop me from doing it. I am in fact, my worst enemy.



I keep my life interesting.

Also, I exhaust myself on those random nights when I’m not already pooped by 8 o’clock. Gotta keep one step ahead of the insomnia.

My other efforts have included turning off my internet after 10 o’clock, which doesn’t always happen because I am an addict and we have trouble with things like that, and acquiring two new, wonderful pillows from upstairs.

Since I am the one who decides where everything goes and since the linen closet was too full to hold everything it has been asked to lately, I thought it would be best if I added these to fluffy beauties to my bedding collection.

Since my net canopy went up, my bed has turned into a sort of cocoon of pillows and blankets and whatever laundry hasn’t been put away yet. Also, whatever books I was reading before I fell asleep and several million hair ties that fall out while I am asleep.

Last night I rolled over and my bathing suit was stuck in my bracelet.

Don’t worry, it’s clean.

It feels like my bed just gets comfier and cozier every night, which might be aiding my laziness, but who can really say?

Here’s what I know:

I haven’t had to take any sleep aids in over a month. That’s a good thing.

The other thing I know, I have been avoiding talking about because it’s so sad.

My monkey, my sweet, naughty monkey, who has been hopelessly potty training for two days now, is starting school tomorrow. He has done nothing but pee (well, he pooped once) on the floor and then ask for M&Ms for 48 hours but it is going to be SO SAD when he leaves me tomorrow for his first day of that sorry excuse for a preschool.


I intend to spend the day snuggling with Tiny Baby, who is more like a large snuggly, frog, and watching Netflix to cope with my sadness.

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