Thursday, August 16, 2012

I almost forgot!

This has become my catch phrase, I know this because Monkey says it all the time and when he does, I can hear myself. We go out sometimes and he'll jump forward in the stroller and go, "I almost forgot my sunglasses!"

And it has been the theme of my week; forgetting the date, what I'm doing and that there are loads of laundry in the dryer.

But even still I can't believe I almost forgot the meteor shower!

It peaked on Sunday/Monday and I had reminders in my phone and everything. So much for that. But it just dawned on me right now while we're all sitting here.

The boys had their last day of camp today and then we went to the pool. To celebrate being done with camp, T is letting the kids stay up as long as they want to. As a result they are bothering me while I am trying to watch Shark Week, but good thing, because the resulting conversation is what prompted my brain into action.

We just got all the kids and E to go out and look at the night sky and everybody saw a meteor. Even though the peak is over, there are still several "shooting stars" visible tonight so we spent a good ten minutes on a blanket in the driveway. It was a first for these New Yorkers. Good thing they have me.

Poor Monkey is so cute and clueless and just laid there with his 3D glasses on yelling, "I see one! See what? What I see Kimmy? I see one!"

I spent this morning with R, making lasagnas for dinner tonight and then she wanted to make dessert too so we made some chocolate candies.

We've actually been together all week because her camp ended before the boys and she refused to go on any play dates, to any dance classes, gymnastics classes, anything. She opted to stay home and nag me instead.

She said this was the first day this week that she wasn't bored. She's been driving me batty out of her boredom so I am quite grateful that camp is over because she needs the boys. Tomorrow, we're going to make a day out of waking late and eating chocolate chips in as many things as we can think of and going to the park and the pool. I can't wait.

T's going to have to make frequent stops back home from work because the baby has ceased taking a bottle. Yesterday in four hours he ate almost two ounces. Today in six hours he ate one ounce. One. He doesn't cry though. He starts to at mealtime and then when he is presented with a formula bottle he drinks an ounce and then gags and then screams until I take the bottle away. And then he's fine.

Then he smiles and plays and rolls around the play pen like it's the greatest day ever.

So then we tried to give him bottle breast milk.

No go.

He drank slightly more of that than the formula and then looked at me and laughed like, "Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? First you give me that fake crap and then you try to deny me my right to the boob with this reheated nonsense? Get me a real boob or put me back in the play pen so I can suck on my toe."

I put him back in the play pen. And T caved and began planning work around him.

So, that was this week. And next week they're all off from everything and home. We're going to do some intensive potty training with Monkey and J has soccer now. R will stay home and bother me, I'm sure. And I think Baby D will be crawling by then. He's already mastered scooting himself across the bedroom floor. Another month or two and he'll be driving and he can take us all out every day until I get my license.


Where was I?

Oh yes.

Shark time!

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