Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Slow Snobby Wednesday.

Snobby Wednesdays are becoming increasingly quieter. Not for the first time, I am entertaining myself today but walking back and forth between the coffee shop (Esparks) and the Great Neck Library Station branch.

Where I would normally sit and half pay attention to a book all day, I can now play online on my teeny tiny adorable computer. Isn’t that wonderful?

This morning I slept in and didn’t set any alarms, which was also pretty wonderful. I got up and got dressed and then hated my outfit and got dressed again. And then changed my shoes and had to get dressed again to accommodate that. It was bliss.

Even more blissful, was connecting with my Brenny (SHOUT OUT) who moved EVEN FARTHER away from me recently and who apparently, also lives in a cellular-reception challenged hole. Only hers is on an island on the beach in the Carolinas and mine is, well, here.

So I got to talk her ear off and get an update about her family there before downing my soy hot chocolate and cyber-stalking a few people.

My original to-do list revolved around getting a much needed coat for the winter but a sudden burst of laziness overcame me and I didn’t make it that far. I was ALMOST on the train when I lost interest and returned to the library.

I left the house this morning, as usual, without all of the things I need to accomplish all my set tasks. No matter how many lists I make for myself I can’t seem to get my act together. I have lists of lists. And I still can’t function.

Last night, when I should have been getting things together for today and cleaning my room to match the rest of the spotless basement, I was gabbing with T in the kitchen. We started off talking about my day off today and somehow the conversation morphed into ten other things and then thirty minutes had passed by and we had both lost steam and everyone just went to watch TV and pass out instead of cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for today.

She had gone into J’s school yesterday to participate in something or other that the preschools make the parents participate in and one of the teachers approached her. It seems that the kiddies were discussing family and they were listing family members they loved and J informed the class that he also loved his Kimmy.

Naturally, the teachers were concerned that a child should love his nanny enough to list her as family.

When T heard she laughed politely and said, “Yes, we have a Kimmy. She lives with us and helps raise the children.”

Again, the teacher was astonished. Most NY nannies aren’t there to help raise the children, they are there to cook dinner and clean up after the children.

T explained that she had tried the conventional New York nanny-who-doesn’t-speak-English-and-is-terrified-of-the-boss-lady route. It didn’t take. And so here I am.

I must reiterate how nice it is to have found one of the most down-to-earth families in Great Neck. Especially considering I just found out that T’s sister’s nanny has learned how to cook all the Persian food and now cooks Shabbat dinners. I can promise you I am not going to be doing that any time soon.

Speaking of K, the other nanny, she is currently on Jenny Craig’s weight loss plan and she is losing weight exactly two sizes ahead of me so I am inheriting all her clothes as we go down the line. This is very exciting for me, because I both love new clothes and hate paying for them. I was prepared to own one pair of jeans for each size from now on but thanks to K, I will be able to change my pants from time to time this winter.

How exciting!

Also exciting, as most of my close friends know, I am not a licensed driver. Since my move away from Allentown and juvenile delinquency, I have actually become a non-driver to correlate my non-licensed status.

When I interviewed with T she was highly unconcerned about my inability to drive but as she now finds herself with child she is getting more and more excited about not having to take J to school in the morning and stay home with both babies instead. Since New Baby is not due until Spring, I technically have until then, but as PennDOT would have it, I am eligible once again for licensed driver status.

Coming soon, Snobby Nanny Drives A Mercedes.

I’ll keep you posted, but as of now, it is really time for me to get on the train.

1 comment:

  1. This post was much more fun to read than the one you wrote when you were in a sickness coma. I love you!
