Monday, October 31, 2011

Will you be here next Halloween?

My snobby weekend turned into something completely different than what had been planned.

The plan was to be off Saturday, take a bus to the Lehigh Valley, do a photo shoot, see old friends, smother my niece and nephew in kisses for six hours, and head home.

What actually happened was just as wonderful, and maybe better except for the absence of my niece and nephew.

Since I worked on Saturday, I was able to have off for Sunday. A real Sunday.

I tried to go to Kristen's (my sister) anyway, but her power was out from the snow storm, so I listened to God and went to my own church.

I talked all day inbetween services, spending the day with the family that has newly adopted me. I got home early enough to fall asleep early and wake up rested on a Monday for once.

But that's not what happened.

The cursed insomnia is back. I spent two hours lying there pretending to be asleep, hoping that I could fool my body into thinking it was really asleep so that perhaps it would still feel rejuvenated.

When my alarm went off this morning I reset it three times and then decided to kill it.

Instead of killing it, I just manned up and got dressed. I thought about wearing my witch stockings and skirt, or my adorable peacock outfit, but I didn't have the energy for either and I was freezing, which is weird, because I'm rarely cold.

I ignored the tiny voice in my head that suggested that perhaps the hint of a cold I'd been fighting all last week had finally caught up with me.

I've been taking 1200% of the daily value of vitamin C required in an adult. Today was no different, but somewhere around midafternoon my immune system gave up.

I gave the kitchen it's Monday Mopping, half-heartedly and I put the baby down for his nap. Then I stared at the dishes in the sink until R got home. After T picked her up for Hebrew school I stared at the dishes some more.

T's mom brought R back home and we sat around reviewing the alphabet and talking about Halloween. She asked when we were going trick-or-treating and I reminded her that she had gone twice already, yesterday with her parents and today at school. She insisted that since today was actually Halloween we should go trick-or-treating. I said I couldn't agree more and told her that there was a time when people celebrated holidays on the actual holiday but that time has long gone and we need to mourn it properly and then move on.

"Ok." She said, not at all sure what the heck I was talking about. "But what about next year?"

"We will go trick-or-treating again next year but we still have to go whatever day they tell us to."

"Ok." She agreed again. "And will you be here next year?"

"Yes." I promised, so now it's official. And I suppose I can just be a peacock next year...

I don't now how or when, but the dishes got washed and I made dinner after T called to say she was running late and she had J with her. I fed the other two and threw them in the tub.

Then I sent them to T and vanished.

I searched the kitchen for fever reducer, took another vitamin C for good measure and argued with myself about having a glass of wine. The verdict is in: I'm going to have one. If anything will ensure that I sleep tonight it's rich people merlot.

I don't feel snobby at all tonight, I feel chilly. Wednesday, come quickly!

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