Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's raining.

Today I reached a personal milestone.

I used the bathroom upstairs.

I never have before because J was potty training and there was always pee all over it. But he is now potty trained and the bathroom was cleaned yesterday, so. It was time.

I also did too many loads of laundry and the cess pool trap in the basement was full to the tippy top of nasty water.

It's been raining ALL day.

This morning we all got up late again. This house is jam packed with weather-depressive people. I didn't take the baby outside at all since he is still getting over a cold. He sneezed something seriously nasty out of his nose this morning and I almost got sick all over the kitchen.

So we made a day of cleaning up around here and trying not to flood the basement with cess pool water.

I'm living the dream with Netflix so while he napped I watched reruns of this great old sitcom called Newradio that nobody but me liked even in the 90s when it was new. But I'll watch it again. And you can judge me.

There's two loads of unfolded laundry waiting on my bed for me and I suppose I should fold it all before I go to sleep, but the chances of that happening are slim to none.

We did some rainy day baking, which came out a little on the dark side. We have an old gas oven from the 70s which has an upper oven and a lower oven. The upper one is much easier to use but it has been temperamental laterly and only works sometimes. Today when it was time to preheat for our cookies I turned it on and happily heard the gas ingnite.

I set the temperature for my standard 25 degrees less than what the recipe says and then put in my cookies. Nine minutes later they were black on the bottom and juuuuuuuust barely done on the top.

I turned the temp down for the next batch which came out exactly the same.

Turned it down more.

Raw cookies after ten minutes.

Turned it back up and resigned myself to deal with whatever the "Modern Maid" left of my cookies. I got some rock hard, mostly edible versions back and accepted them graciously.

I'm eating them right now.

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