Monday, July 23, 2012


Ahhhh routine.

Is there any better cure for back-from-vacay restlessness like getting back on a schedule?

Last night, I attempted to go to bed at a decent hour but something like inspiration happened and when I finished writing, it was midnight. I shut off my light, thought about how much I missed breathing through my nose without the rattle of water inside it, and tried to get comfortable without upsetting my still tender fourth-time pierced ears.

I had just managed to drift into one of those unsettling half-sleeps where everything you think about is troubling and you are awake enough to know that but not awake enough to make it stop, when I was startled fully awake by a serious thought.

For some reason, I felt that I had left the baby unattended upstairs and without bringing a monitor to bed with my. I panicked, thinking that I was awake because I had heard E and T coming in through the garage and that the baby was screaming.

I was almost in my slippers when I realized my mistake.

I was off last night.

This morning, blissful routine got us all back in gear. The boys and R went off to camp and T went off to work and I spent my time cleaning sinks and changing sheets and telling my little snuggle bunny how cute he is.

I also watched enough TV on my phone while folding laundry to kill the battery pretty early on in the day.

This afternoon, I took wee baby out in the stroller and we picked up Monkey from camp. He greeted me with a big hug and happily climbed into his seat.

Outside, we were stalked by E's sister, but fortunately, the one I like. She caught up to us, said some hellos and kissed both babies a few times before letting us go on our way.

J came home with a play date and told me about a game he had learned at camp that day called Taggerit.

"Taggerit?" I was holding the baby on the living room couch and trying to watch The Middle on my dying phone.

"Yeah!" He was all excited and I had no idea what he was saying. "Taggerit!"

His little friend seemed just as happy. I was still confused, so I sent them to play again.

A few minutes later they returned, telling me they couldn't find the toy ambulance they were looking for.

"We don't have one." I informed them.

"Oh." From J, and then from his little friend in a very accomplished and proud voice;

"We took every toy out of every drawer to look for it."

I have to admit, I was impressed. I have never seen any male life form, ever search for something with such diligence. J's father is the king of not finding things he's "looking" for. Then I saw the play room.

"Alright, clean up time! Let's go!"

They asked again to play Taggerit and stumped me again. Finally, I asked them how to play.

"You run around and catch meach other!" J illustrated with a fake jog and the family pronunciation of "each other." "And then yell taggerit!"

"Tag, you're it?" I clarified.

"Yeah!" The friend exclaimed and now J looked immensely confused.

Thankfully, the play date ended shortly after that and we entered into a very peaceful and orderly dinner.

The kids finished early and went upstairs with T while I sat around for a while. When I went up to see if she needed me anymore tonight she was playing Taggerit with the kids in her room.


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