Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I have bad news.

Well, I guess it's relative.

I'm home from Christmas break and we're all back to school and back on schedule here. I've learned a few things about myself over break.

1) I don't know if it's age or the fact that I've worked in child care long enough now, but I am beginning to find children not under my influence intolerable. Not all of them, not all the time, but there's definitely some growing feelings of annoyance inside me. I'm going to be one of those old ladies in restaurants who shoots dirty looks at rowdy, sticky six year olds at the next table. And in my current mood, I stand by my future actions. If your kid is six and rowdy, spank it. Or expect dirty looks.

2) There is no way I will ever be a morning person. Because my job requires it, I get up early and get through breakfast and help with the kids and all that morning jazz. And I have reached a point where on my regular days off, I wake up early out of habit, curse the morning people for taking over the world, and go back to sleep, but it doesn't stick. I will never wake up early and feel good about it. I will never stick to that cycle when a job doesn't require it. I will always sleep until noon when given the option. Always.


3) I hate super soft toilet paper. I never thought brand of toilet paper would be a deciding factor in how badly I yearn to be home after a trip, but here I am and it is and I cannot apologize for that. Scott tissue. All the way. Charmin has no place in my life.

4) I love the friends God has given me. He has provided a generous sprinkle of friends all along the way, but he has stationed some super awesome ladies a little more permanently into my life. Getting to North Carolina to visit two of my favorites was the best Christmas present (thanks me!) a girl could ask for. In very limited time, we picked up where we left off when we all moved and dove head first into two days of hardcore friendship. Brenda and Becca, I love you so much it hurts and I am already planning another trek down there. I had forgotten how much I enjoy laughing with you and learning from you, and I can't let that happen again!

5) And, lastly, there is a pretty big possibility that I am through with this blog. It was born when I moved here a year and a half ago, and I needed a way to settle in. Lately, it's felt more like journal entries, and not the interesting kind either. You all still give me unexpected praise and good feedback, but I'm still losing interest in my writing. Well, this writing.

I feel like this blog broke through some seriously crippling writer's block and I'm ready to be done with it and move on. I might not make a clean break, but I'm definitely going to slowly forget about it...

Thank you all so much for reading and following me throughout the last nineteen months! I am honored to have had your attention at all.

Please stand by as I trickle out with a few more mildly observational entries and bid this phase of my writing goodbye.

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