Sunday, December 16, 2012

Never a dull moment.

For real.

Chanukah is wrapping up, so the barrage of cheap, crappy presents from extended family has ceased. I have felt even more like myself this week than last week, which is nice. My setbacks come in the form of decreased brain function.

I have been forgetting so much. Where I put things, which kids are home, who had baths in the last four days...

Dinner, lunch, to get up on time in the morning.

To charge my phone, when the library books are due, if the dog has peed, if Monkey has peed.

The simple fact that I am working, the fact that I have to also pee see where this is going?

In the moment, I am fine. I am great even. But where did my memory go? I feel like Dori the fish. Today I couldn't remember the grocery list, and I can usually rattle that thing off like it's my job. OH WAIT IT IS.

I have the worst writer's block of my life, which is especially awful because writing is how I vent.

But the good news is, my boss is right there with me.

Her back went out while I was away and it never came back. She's had a shot and some pills and the baby no longer gets breast milk, but she's not 100%, so we both just make it through the days by the skin of our teeth and then we crash at night without another thought.

So then, today.

Today, T forgot her happiness and I forgot that the washing machine drains into the laundry room sink and nothing should be in there when I throw a load of dirty towels in.

Today was the first Sunday since I've been home that they asked me to work. T can't lift the kids or baby and I am going away for Christmas soon, so we're soaking up our time together.

We spent the morning eating bagels and trying to ignore the kids.

We spent the afternoon spread throughout the house, doing our own things, making sure the kids were occupied and semi-quiet and at least partially fed.

E spent the day on the couch.

A little while before dinner, I rounded up all three of the bigger ones and we went downstairs to play in the basement playroom.

I have been so excited because the basement is finally clean and put back together and my room looks so cute and I am home to enjoy it and everything was just lovely. So the kids ran down the stairs all happily and I went down and thought, oh let me move those towels to the dryer since I'm down here.

The washing machine isn't really draining properly after the last spin cycle, so it still had some water in the basin. I set it to drain again and then took a peek at the draining hose to see how much water was coming out.

Oh snap.

It was draining alright, right onto the blue towel that was clogging the sink.

Oh snap.

I looked along the floor under the sink and behind the other washer and dryer and didn't see any water.

That was a relief.

Then I went into my room to change out of my slippers. since it was 4:30, I thought maybe I should get dressed.

My slippers squished on the sopping wet rug.

Relief gone.

I left the mess there because, frankly, it was overwhelming, and I went to feed the kids dinner.

We were dining on leftovers and reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas, when it dawned on me that part of the reason my head is such a mess is that I am PMSing and the other part is because I have already mentally checked out for Christmas break.

All I can think about are Thursday, my next day off, and getting the heck out of here the following Sunday. For someone who was so relieved to be home a week ago, I am certainly antsy now. I cannot wait to give people the presents I got them, I cannot wait for the Christmas service at my home church, and I CANNOT WAIT TO GO TO NORTH CAROLINA AND HUG THE CRAP OUT OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FRIEND I HAVE EVER HAD.

Someone slap me and make me focus.

It will be a miracle if we make it through this week without me or T losing a kid or forgetting a meal.

Even more surprisingly will be if I reorganize the linen closet that has been bothering me for two weeks.

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